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Better for Landowners
Connect to thousands of investors.
Access the finance you need, fast seamless end-to-end funding process.
Benefit from investor expertise.
No upfront costs.
No risk associated with charging your property.
No good credit score required.

Capitaland has chosen to focus on the two largest sectors of the East African commercial property market – The East African Retail and Nairobi Offices. East Africa has a large and liquid commercial property market which continues to attract a broad range of domestic and international investors. Our portfolio is well balanced with a focus on high quality assets in sectors with long-term growth potential. We make use of our strong relationships with occupiers and specialist expertise.

Retail Market
The retail market is changing rapidly with the economic pressures overlaid by what are far reaching changes to how and where people are choosing to shop. Consumer behaviour is changing, not just with the growth of leisure and online shopping, but also through social networking and mobile technology. Consumers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and demanding and want more choice, greater convenience and better value, along with a much better shopping experience, whether it be in the physical or online environment. The growth in multi-channel retailing is having a significant influence on the property strategies of retailers, who are increasingly focusing their portfolios on ‘winning’ locations and exiting underperforming stores, predominately in smaller towns or weaker locations.

We are determined to continue to be at the forefront of change and create the right environment where people want to shop and where retailers can thrive. We target some of the best retail assets in the East Africa, whether experiential shopping where you go for a whole day out; convenient destination shopping where you regularly shop for a couple of hours; or functional shopping which meets every day or basic needs.

Landowner Info
Do you have an investment ready project that needs funding but has been rejected by a bank or you do not want the risks associated with charging your property?

Capitaland offers you an opportunity to finance your project by listing it on our web platform thereby connecting you to thousands of potential investors who would be interested in investing in your project through a joint venture model. Capitaland is responsible for managing the investors and the whole funding process.

We will require you to provide us with a project brief as well as the amount of funding required and be in possession of all the project design drawings approved by the relevant Government agencies as well as proof of ownership of the property and in the case of an agent, documents confirming that you are a duly appointed agent to act legally on behalf of the landowner.

Once your project is approved and listed on our web platform, you will be able to follow the funding progress on the project portfolio page on our website or via email and SMS updates on your mobile phone.